銀河 情人節限定 米芝蓮意式晚膳優惠

澳門優惠 情人節限定 米芝蓮意式晚膳優惠 0

澳門優惠 情人節限定 米芝蓮意式晚膳優惠 1

澳門優惠 情人節限定 米芝蓮意式晚膳優惠 2

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

【情人節限定 - 米芝蓮意式晚膳】
8½ Otto e Mezzo #BOMBANA 新任行政總廚Marino D’Antonio 精心甄選時令珍饈,為您與摯愛譜寫難忘的味覺盛宴。

行政總廚Marino出身於意大利北部城市貝加莫,曾就職於多家五星級酒店和星級餐廳,當中更與米芝蓮三星大廚Umberto Bombana 合作逾七年。總廚特別為情人節設計8道菜晚膳,以精緻簡約手法帶出食材鮮味,讓愛意在餐桌上綻放,創造出一段珍貴的回憶。


*私人包間特別優惠(10 至 12 位)
凡預訂8 道菜情人節晚膳,即可獲贈 8 瓶瑪姆紅帶香檳(內用或外帶)。

立即訂座︰+853 8886 2169 / [email protected]

【Savor the Romance at 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA 】
For a real sense of occasion, treat your loved one to an eight-course dinner crafted by our new executive chef Marino D’Antonio who will indulge you two to remember the perfect memento of the day.

Born in the town of Bergamo in northern Italy, chef Marino has worked in many five-star hotels and Michelin star rated restaurants, in which he sparked 7 years partnership with the three Michelin-starred chef Bombana. Chef curates an exquisite eight-course dinner experience featuring seasonal ingredients, allowing you to an intimate and unforgettable night.

Serving Period:
1st Seating: 18:00 – 18:30
2nd Seating: 20:30 – 21:00
Price: from MOP2,980 per person
Wine Pairing: add MOP980 per person

*Private Room Special Offer (for 10-12 guests) Order out the Valentine’s Day set menu and get 8 bottles of Mumm Cordon Rouge Champagne for free (dine in or take away).

Book now: +853 8886 2169 / [email protected]
Details: https://www.galaxymacau.com/offers/dining/valentines-day-galaxy-macau-2025/

#澳門銀河 #情人節 #浪漫 #甜蜜 #舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #GalaxyMacau #ValentinesDay #Romance #Sweet #1diningdestination


資料來源: 銀河

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!