美高梅 炎炎夏日假期將至8折優惠

澳門優惠 炎炎夏日假期將至8折優惠 0

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炎炎夏日假期將至,美高梅邀您與家人摯友以最優惠的價格品嚐琳瑯滿目的佳釀美饌!即日起至8月31日,每周一至周五,憑有效澳門居民身分證或外地僱員身份認別證,在美高梅旗下各大餐廳用餐,均可享受8折餐飲優惠!復刻法式浪漫的寶雅座、傳承粵饌的金殿堂、匠心烹飪正宗川菜的蜀道,還有多家餐廳均已加入,點擊 https://bit.ly/3vLfU4j 解鎖更多詳情,輕鬆享受超值饕餮之旅。

Come check out the fabulous dining deal for Macau residents! It’s time to savor rounds of culinary delights this Summer at MGM! From now until Aug 31, each Monday through Friday, enjoy 20% off at all restaurants at MGM MACAU and MGM COTAI by presenting valid Macau resident identification card.

From hearty French cuisine at Aux Beaux Arts, traditional Cantonese fine dining at Imperial Court to authentic Sichuanese delicacies at Five Foot Road and many more, you will get to sample flavors from all around the world this summer! For more details, please visit https://bit.ly/3gNP06m

#美高梅 #澳門美高梅 #美獅美高梅 #夏日美食折 #MGM #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI #DiningDeals #美味盡享MGM #人間美高梅


資料來源: 美高梅

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