澳門觀光塔 20 週年呈 宴優惠

澳門優惠 20 週年呈 宴優惠 0

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【20 週年呈「宴」: 為您呈上精選紅酒 + 無限暢飲優惠】

屬於最具代表性嘅建築物之一嘅澳門旅遊塔已經 20 歲啦!喺呢段日子,旅遊塔一直陪住大家見證一個又一個回憶滿載嘅盛宴。適逢廿載,我哋推出「二十周年宴會套餐」🏻‍♀,等大家可以喺旅遊塔舉辦大大小小嘅宴會招待貴賓。除咗晚宴時段每枱可獲贈一支精選紅酒之外,預訂 25 席或以上仲可以免費升級無限量暢飲〜希望大家可以擁有一個開心而盡興嘅盛宴啦!

午宴:每席MOP 4,788 + 10% 服務費
晚宴:每席MOP 4,988 + 10% 服務費
每枱可獲贈一支精選紅酒 (只限晚宴)
升級可享無限量暢飲優惠 (25 席或以上)

推廣時間:即日起至 11 月 30 日 (澳門公眾假期除外)

查詢及預訂:8988 8870

【A Feast to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary : Red Wine & Unlimited Flow of Beverage】

Macau Tower, one of the most iconic constructions in Macau is 20 years old now! Throughout all these years, Macau Tower has accompanied everyone to accumulate precious memories through feasts! To celebrate its 20th birthday, we have launched the 20th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Package 🏻‍♀for you to host feasts of various scales for your guests. During the dinner period, each table can enjoy a complimentary bottle of house red wine. If you reserve 25 or above tables, you can enjoy a free upgrade to the free flow beverage package. How can you resist this temptation for a happy and enjoyable feast?

20th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Package
Chinese lunch: MOP 4,788 / table + 10% service charge
Chinese dinner: MOP 4,988 / table + 10% service charge
A complimentary bottle of house red wine per table (Dinner only)
Free upgrade to free flow beverage package (for a reservation of 25 or above tables)

Promotional period: From now on till 30 Nov (except Macau public holidays)

Enquiries & reservation: 8988 8870


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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