澳門觀光塔 中秋梗係要食中菜先夠應節啦優惠

澳門優惠 中秋梗係要食中菜先夠應節啦優惠 0

=> 更多優惠在IG


有冇人同小編一樣,覺得中秋節同屋企人圍埋食返餐中菜先叫做真正嘅「過節」‍‍‍‍‍‍?! #南湖明月 亦貼心為大家安排好中秋盛宴套餐,用推廣優惠價就可以品嚐到各類嘅珍味佳餚,一家人齊齊整整喺南湖明月渡過開心嘅團圓時光!在此,南湖明月祝大家「團團圓圓」、「中秋節快樂」!

四位套餐優惠價:$1,688(原價 $2,088)
六位套餐優惠價:$2,888(原價 $3,488)
八位套餐優惠價:$3,388(原價 $4,088)
推廣日期:9 月 17 至 21 日,10 月 1 日
供應時段:晚上 6 : 30 至 10 : 00


MOP188 二人點心套餐
供應時段:星期一至五,早上 11:00 至下午 3:00
MOP398* 晚市精選套餐
供應時段:星期一至日,晚上 6:30 至 10:00

憑澳門居民身份證卡於南湖明月每消費滿 MOP 500 即回贈 MOP 100 現金券
推廣日期:即日起至 10 月 31 日(逢星期一至星期五;不適用於 9 月 20、21 及 10 月 1 、 14 日)



【Cantonese Cuisine - The Best Choice for Mid-Autumn Festival】

Anyone who is my type - thinking that the best way to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival is to enjoy Cantonese cuisine with your family ‍‍‍‍‍‍? #LuaAzul has therefore delicately prepared a Mid-Autumn Festival Set Menu available at a promotional price! The whole family can gather around the table to enjoy the feast happily! Here, may Lua Azul wishes everyone Happy Togetherness at the Mid-Autumn Festival!

Mid-Autumn Festival Set Menu
Set Menu for 4 persons: $1,688 (Original Price: $2,088)
Set Menu for 6 persons: $2,888 (Original Price: $3,488)
Set Menu for 8 persons: $3,388 (Original Price: $4,088)
Promotional period: 17 - 21 Sept, 1 Oct
Available timeslot: 6:30 - 10pm

Besides the Mid-Autumn Festival Set Menu, Lua Azul has also prepared Dim Sum Sets for 2 and Signature Dinner Sets for your choice🥰! Come and try!

Dim Sum Sets for 2 at MOP 188
Available timeslot: Mon-Fri, 11am - 3pm
Signature Dinner Sets at MOP 398*
Available timeslot: Mon-Sun, 6:30 - 10pm

F&B Cash Coupon Offer
Spend MOP 500 at Lua Azul with Macau Resident ID and get a cash coupon of MOP 100
Promotional period: From now on till 31 Oct (Every Mon - Fri, not applicable on 20 & 21 Sept and 1 & 14 Oct)

Have a look at the Food Menu & reserve a table:

*All prices subject to a 10% service charge


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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