澳門觀光塔 想用至抵嘅價錢去舉辦一個有體面宴會優惠

澳門優惠 想用至抵嘅價錢去舉辦一個有體面宴會優惠 0

=> 更多優惠在IG


#澳門旅遊塔 推出嘅20 周年酬謝宴會套餐!!

為咗答謝大家 20 年嚟一直嘅支持,旅遊塔推出優惠價錢俾大家預訂午宴或晚宴,晚宴時段亦會額外賞大家每枱一支紅酒;而 25 席或以上嘅大型晚宴 / 選擇指定菜譜,套餐會立即升級無限暢飲 package。集齊折扣優惠、升級禮遇於一身嘅宴會套餐就等𡁵您哋預訂啦〜See you🏻!

20 周年又點止得呢啲,驚喜活動陸續有嚟!!

20 周年酬謝宴會套餐
午宴:每席 MOP 4,788 + 10% 服務費
晚宴:每席 MOP 4,988 + 10% 服務費
免費升級無限量暢飲優惠(只限 25 席或以上的晚宴 / 選擇指定菜譜)

推廣時間:即日起至 11 月 30 日(澳門公眾假期除外)
查詢及預訂:8988 8870

【Wanna Host a Memorable Banquet at an Affordable Price? Here is the tip!】

#MacauTower presents the 20th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Package to thank everyone for your support all along! Reserve a table for your lunch or dinner to enjoy the discount! Guests will be offered a complimentary red wine during the dinner period! Dinner banquets with more than 25 tables / designated menus will be upgraded to free flow of drink package for free! A banquet package consisting of discount offers and upgrade privileges awaits your patronage. See you🏻!

Macau Tower 20th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Package
Chinese lunch: MOP 4,788 / table + 10% service charge
Chinese dinner: MOP 4,988 / table + 10% service charge
A complimentary bottle of house read wine per table (Dinner only)
Free upgrade for free flow of drinks (upon a reservation of 25 tables or more for dinner)

Promotional period: From now on till 30 Nov (except Macau public holidays)
Enquiries & reservation: 8988 8870


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!