澳門觀光塔 齊來挑戰澳門旅遊塔版嘅 猜猜劃劃推廣

澳門優惠 齊來挑戰澳門旅遊塔版嘅 猜猜劃劃推廣 0

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相信大家都玩過經典桌上遊戲 #猜猜畫畫 !咁大家又有冇興趣挑戰吓 #澳門旅遊塔 版嘅「猜猜劃劃」🏻‍♀?我哋分別將 20 個澳門著名景點貼紙貼咗喺觀光樓層嘅玻璃外牆上面,而貼紙正正就係話俾大家知 - 您身處嘅位置望到啲咩「景點」!而家小編用🏻手指輕輕劃一劃🏻過去,各位 #高玩 、偵探、人肉地圖快啲留言估下呢兩個係咩景點?Game start!

答案將會喺 comment box 開估!

想親身登塔睇吓熟唔熟悉澳門嘅景點?而家只需 MOP 50 就可以購買觀光層入場門票一張,同時免費帶多一位長者🏻(65 歲以上) / 小童🏻(3 至 11 歲)入場。Lets go!
推廣日期:即日起至 10 月 31 日


【Come to join the Guess the Landmarks Challenge 🏻!!】

Have you ever tried the classical board game Pictionary? How about the Macau Tower version of Guess the Landmarks Challenge🏻‍♀? We have put up 20 stickers illustrating 20 iconic scenic spots onto the glass walls of the Observation Deck, which tell you which scenic spots you can enjoy seeing from where you are! Let me 🏻draw a line with my finger🏻 and see if you, as an experienced player, detective, and human map can identify which 2 scenic spots are they? Let the game begin!

The answer is revealed in the comment box below!

Wanna check your familiarity for various Macau scenic spots? Now you can get an entry ticket to the Observation Deck at MOP 50 only, then you are entitled to a complimentary ticket for an elderly🏻 (aged 65 or above) / child🏻 (aged 3 - 11). Lets go!
Promotional period: From now on till 31 Oct

For ticket purchase or more information:

#澳門景點 #Tag人齊齊搵 #鬥快搵齊澳門景點 #神隊友召集 #偵探出動 #我哋出手高玩出腦 #邊個夠我熟澳門 #至醒係你


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!