澳門觀光塔 您 想嘅聖誕派對會係點嘅樣優惠

澳門優惠 您 想嘅聖誕派對會係點嘅樣優惠 0

=> 更多優惠在IG


10 月都未完,咁快已經講聖誕?梗係啦〜因為 #澳門旅遊塔 已一早為大家準備咗 #2021聖誕自助宴會套餐 !依家只要喺 10 月 15 號或之前成功預訂 自助午宴 /晚宴套餐,即可享 #早鳥優惠 !如預訂晚宴時段,旅遊塔仲會額外送出多份*聖誕禮遇俾大家!一於預訂旅遊塔嘅宴會套餐,過一個如外國般嘅聖誕派對啦!

#早鳥優惠 :
凡於 2021 年 10 月 15 日或之前支付訂金,即豁免菜譜 10% 服務費。


2021聖誕自助晚宴套餐詳情 :
澳門旅遊塔觀光層門票 10 張
澳門旅遊塔餐飲現金券 MOP 500

查詢及預訂:8988 8870

【What Kind of Christmas Party Do You Fancy?】

Its not yet October, but we are already fantasizing Christmas! Why? Because Macau Tower has prepared the 2021 Christmas Package for us! You can enjoy an early bird offer once you reserve lunch / dinner buffets by 15 Oct 2021! Those who successfully reserve dinner buffet will be entitled to Christmas special offers* from Macau Tower! Come quick to make an early reservation and enjoy your Christmas in a foreign way!

Early Bird Promotion:
Enjoy a waive of 10% service charge once you successfully reserve lunch/dinner buffets and make deposit by 15 Oct

*Christmas Offers:
Enjoy a complimentary of a 3-hour free flow of soft drinks and beers for dinner buffets

2021 Christmas Dinner Buffet Package Details:
A complementary bottle of house red per table
10 pieces of complimentary Macau Tower admission tickets
MOP 500 Macau Tower F&B coupons

Enquiry & Reservation: 8988 8870


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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