銀河 於 澳門銀河 一嚐奢華蟹宴8折優惠

澳門優惠 於 澳門銀河 一嚐奢華蟹宴8折優惠 0

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【於 #澳門銀河 一嚐奢華蟹宴】
秋天已經嚟到,又到咗食蟹嘅好季節喇!而 #銀河氹仔漁村 同 #彭慶記 同樣睇準呢個時機,選擇以蟹作為主題製造出各款蟹肉料理。前者主打惹味海鮮小炒風格,而後者則係人所皆知嘅超高水準順德菜,兩者烹調出風格各有千秋嘅蟹肉料理,真係令人好期待!

銀河氹仔漁村選用時令食材 #大閘蟹 蟹粉入饌,煮出八道鮮味十足嘅佳餚,特別推介講究刀工嘅蟹粉文思豆腐羹同又香又滑嘅蟹粉賽西施,唔止賣相好睇,味道亦都係一流。


立即預訂! +853 8883 2221

小編提提你,即日起至12月30日,出示 #澳門身份証 或 #藍卡 更可享8折優惠


【Hairy Crab Roe Feast at #GalaxyMacau】
Autumn is finally here, which means it’s the season to enjoy delicacies made with the finest roe-rich hairy crabs at #GalaxyMacauTamChaiYuChun and #PangsKitchen.

Using only the freshest ingredients, our chefs at Galaxy Macau Tam Chai Yu Chun show off their excellent knife skills with the delicately prepared Shredded Bean Curd Broth with Crab Roe, as well as the umami-rich Stir-fried Egg White with Crab Roe.

And Pang’s Kitchen takes pride in their skillfully prepared hairy crab roe dishes, all carefully de-shelled to ensure every bite is as tasty as it should be. Enjoy some premium Chinese tea to warm your stomach after the feast, specially selected by our award-winning Tea Master Andrew U, a perfect way to complete the wholesome ritual.
Don’t miss the Crab Season, reserve your table now before it’s too late!

Book now! +853 8883 2221
Promotional period: Now until Oct 31

Another hot dining tip for you: from now till December 30, #MacauLocals and #BlueCardHolders can enjoy 20% off!

*Terms & conditions apply.

#澳門美食 #秋季美食 #澳門 #舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #macaufood #macaufoodie #1diningdestination #ABiteofGalaxy


資料來源: 銀河

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