銀河 星際15週年生日快樂優惠


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#星際酒店 15週年啦!真係要衷心多謝咁各位粉絲嘅支持!我哋會繼續努力,提供更多唔同嘅餐飲體驗同娛樂表演,亦會提供最優質住宿同優閒設施,令我哋keep住成為澳門半島最受歡迎嘅酒店之一!

為咗同大家一齊慶祝 #15週年 ,星際已經推出左 #米芝蓮星級住宿體驗 、#經典星級名菜優惠 、同埋 #八大名菜 秋日河鮮,為你送上多場味覺盛宴。而喺指定餐廳用 #MPay 消費仲有多重優惠潻~ 再加埋15週年限定外牆燈光show同其他精彩 #生日 活動,密切留意我哋嘅專頁動態啦!


【StarWord Shines for YouIt’s Our 15th Anniversary!】

#StarWorldHotel would like to thank you all for the continuous support! As one of the most popular hotels in Macau, we’ll continue to serve the best dining, accommodation and entertainment experiences to our guests!

To celebrate #15thAnniversary together, we have a series of #Birthday events that would take your palate on an incredible journey:
Stay & Dine Michelin Package, #SignatureDishOffer and #EightGreatCuisines Autumn Seafood.

Don’t forget to use MPay at designated restaurants for EXTRA offers! More celebration activities such as façade lighting show are coming so follow our Facebook page to get the latest news on all the exciting offers~

Learn More: https://www.starworldmacau.com/x03jl1b/

#週年慶典 #澳門美食 #餐飲優惠 #美食優惠 #至臻星級美味 #AnniversaryCelebration #MacauFood #MacauFoodie #FoodPromotions #PrestigiousGourmetExperience


資料來源: 銀河

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