永利 FIBA 3 3澳門大師賽 永利盃大灣區資格賽 快將舉行免費

澳門優惠 FIBA 3 3澳門大師賽 永利盃大灣區資格賽 快將舉行免費 0

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【《FIBA 3×3澳門大師賽-永利盃大灣區資格賽》快將舉行】
FIBA 3X3 Macao Masters –Wynn Cup Greater Bay Area Qualifying Tournament Is Almost Here!

永利冠名贊助的《FIBA 3×3澳門大師賽-永利盃大灣區資格賽》,由澳門特別行政區政府體育局及澳門星娛樂製作有限公司主辦,中國澳門籃球總會及絕對三對三有限公司協辦,即將隆重舉行 !

賽事將於11月24日至28日,分別於永利皇宮、大三巴牌坊及媽閣廟前地進行,一眾籃球高手將會大展身手,全力推動大灣區各城市的體育交流,宣傳三人籃球運動,同時帶動旅遊事業!於賽事期間,永利皇宮南門戶外草坪將開設多個大型攤位,包括餐飲、發售運動裝備及精美紀念品等,以及設有兒童籃球場,讓大眾都能樂在其中,於準決賽前更可免費入場。11月28日的決賽將於 #永利皇宮 舉行,你可購票到現場欣賞精彩賽事。密切留意!

Get ready for some real action basketball lovers! Wynn will be sponsoring the “FIBA 3X3 Macao Masters – Wynn Cup Greater Bay Area Qualifying Tournament” organized by Sports Bureau of Macao SAR Government and StarMac Entertainment & Production Limited, and co-organized by Macau-China Basketball Association and Absolute 3X3 Basketball.

To promote sports exchange of different cities in the Greater Bay Area and boost the sports and tourism industries, high-caliber players will battle in exciting matches hosted from Nov 24 to 28 at 3 locations in Macau - Wynn Palace, Saint Pauls Ruins, Barra Square. Don’t forget to visit the booths outside Wynn Palace’s outdoor lawn where you will find an array of offerings from food and beverage, sports gears , to souvenir offers and even a basketball court for kids. Entry is free before the semi-finals! The final will be on Nov 28 at #WynnPalace, get your ticket and watch the matches in person, make sure you don’t miss out!

#澳門大師賽大灣區資格賽 #FIBA3x3Macao


資料來源: 永利

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