永利 手藝源自理念推廣

澳門優惠 手藝源自理念推廣 0

澳門優惠 手藝源自理念推廣 1

澳門優惠 手藝源自理念推廣 2

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Celebrating Culinary Creativity

2021年的「世界美食之都 (中國) 薈聚濠江2021系列活動」已於澳門順利舉行。永利皇宮永利宮的行政總廚譚國鋒再一次受邀擔任美食論壇的主講嘉賓,分享對過去一年的挑戰和機遇的想法。此外,更與來自澳門、成都、順德以及揚州四個美食之都的名廚交流不同地區的飲食文化,推廣澳門為「創意城市美食之都」!

Our Executive Chef Tam Kwok Fung from #WingLeiPalace at Wynn Palace was invited again as a guest speaker at this year’s City of Gastronomy in Macau 2021 events, sharing thoughts on challenges and opportunities over the past year. The events were also attended by master chefs and leaders in the food and beverage industry from Macau, Chengdu, Shunde and Yangzhou, gathered to share their unique regional culinary cultures and promote Macau as a vibrant Creative City of Gastronomy.

#永利皇宮 #永利澳門 #WynnPalace #WynnMacau


資料來源: 永利

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