英皇娛樂酒店 御廚 聖誕除夕自助餐8折優惠

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【御廚 聖誕除夕自助餐】

#御廚 聖誕、除夕自助餐 12月19日或之前購買餐券可享 #早鳥優惠 最低8折起!匯聚 #時令海鮮、#阿拉斯加長腳蟹、聖誕必不可少的 #火雞,琳瑯滿目的聖誕甜品,趣緻的聖誕裝飾,新年倒數大抽獎, 氛圍感滿滿,最適宜與親朋好友團聚,影相打卡,分享快樂氣氛!立即訂座,與摯愛締造難忘的美味回憶歡度佳節!

訂座電話:+853 2838 9988

#Christmas is coming to Grand Emperor Hotel! We are welcome you with an elevated buffet experience at #RoyalKitchen. Reservation with FULL PAYMENT on or before 19 Dec, you may enjoy the #earlybird offer up to 20% off premium discount. There are live band performances and lucky draw to celebrate Christmas. Gather your family and friends and book your table NOW!

More detail: https://bit.ly/3I3jwpz

Reservation: +853 2838 9988


資料來源: 英皇娛樂酒店

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