勵宮酒店 12月聚會特別多推廣

澳門優惠 12月聚會特別多推廣 0

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12月聚會特別多,有朋友吃素去哪兒?巴黎餐廳在「農曆初一」推出豐富的素食自助午餐,有各種類型的素食菜式任君選擇!同時讓不吃素的朋友也吃的津津有味, 絕對顛覆你對素食的傳統印象, 快和朋友來歡聚暢談吧!



Still thinking where you should go with vegetarian friends for dinner this December?
Brasserie de Paris will extend its Vegetarian Lunch Buffet once again. Join us on the 1st day of the Lunar Calendar in December with delicious of vegetarian dishes to choose from! Non-vegetarian friends will love it too.
Absolutely subvert your traditional impression of vegetarianism and have fun with friends at Brasserie de Paris.

Vegetarian Buffet Promotional Date: 4 December 2021
Price for lunch: MOP$258 per adult; MOP$129 per child

*Above mentioned prices are subject to 10% service charge
*Terms and Conditions are applied
巴黎餐廳 Brasserie de Paris
營業時間Business Hours►12:00PM-2:30PM|6:00PM-10:30PM
地點 Location ►澳門勵宮酒店地面層 G/F, Legend Palace Hotel
訂座電話Reservation ► (853) 8801 8001


資料來源: 勵宮酒店

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