永利 2021 重慶澳門周 大型路展 每分每秒精彩洋溢9折優惠


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【2021「重慶澳門周」大型路展 每分每秒精彩洋溢!】
Don’t Miss Your Chance to Visit “Macao Week in Chongqing 2021”!

一連數日的「重慶澳門周」大型路展精彩不斷,我們的關愛大使「永永」及「利利」與大眾同樂,市民及遊客亦與現場展示的華麗花卉裝置裝飾打卡留念, 場面熱鬧!直至12月6日,親臨我們的展位,掃描微信二維碼即有機會蠃得酒店住宿、餐飲及水療服務等優越禮遇。如於2021年12月31日前或在重慶路展現場成功預訂2022年婚宴套餐,即可享限時9折優惠。現場更有翩翩舞蹈表演,充滿熱情活力。快來和我們見面!

It’s been exciting at “Macao Week in Chongqing”! In addition to taking photos with our floral displays, there were also appearances of our Wynn Care mascots, Wing Wing and Lei Lei. Don’t forget to visit us by December 6, exclusive offers on accommodation, dining experiences and spa treatments are available through scanning the WeChat QR code at our booth. Attendees will also receive 10% off when making reservations for a 2022 Wedding Package before December 31, 2021 or at the roadshow, plus enjoy our spirited dance performances. We’re waiting for you!

#重慶澳門周 #永利澳門 #永利皇宮 #WynnMacau #WynnPalace


資料來源: 永利

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