漁人碼頭 珀克酒吧 冬日限定暖心特調優惠

澳門優惠 珀克酒吧 冬日限定暖心特調優惠 0

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有特別推出濃郁醇厚的熱朱古力、養生補氣血的枸杞紅棗茶;微醺及層次豐富的熱香料紅酒、滿滿紅果風味的蔓越莓甜酒 及 舒暖潤喉的熱托迪。今個冬日,到珀克酒吧揀一杯溫暖舒心的限定特調啦!

推廣時段: 即日起至2022年2月28日


訂座電話:(853) 8799 6605

【Praha Bar.Winter Drinks】

Praha Bar offers a series of heartwarming specials to accompany you through the cold winter! Indulge in a rich and silky Hot Chocolate, Red Dates Tea or Goji Tea that nourishes immune system. Feel like getting a little tipsy to loosen up? Try our structured Mulled Red Wine, red fruit driven Cranberry Mulled Wine, and soothing Hot Toddy.
Stop by Praha Bar this winter and pick your favourite seasonal special!

Promotion Price: MOP$48* each
Promotion Period: From now until 28 Feb 2022

More Details: https://reurl.cc/1oN3MW
*Subject to 10% service charge
*Terms and conditions apply

Reservation: (853) 8799 6605

#勵庭海景酒店 #珀克酒吧 #冬日限定 #溫暖 #熱朱古力 #拿鐵 #枸杞紅棗茶 #熱香料紅酒 #蔓越莓甜酒 #熱托迪 #限定 #特調 #澳門酒店 #澳門美食 #免費泊車 #HarbourviewHotel #PrahaBar #WinterSeasonal #Warm #HotFrapChocolate #ChaiTeaLatte #RedDatesTeaandGoji #MulledWine #HotToddy #CranberryMulledWine #MacauHotel #MacauCuisine #FreeParking


資料來源: 漁人碼頭

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