澳門觀光塔 MOP 20 1 次抽獎 送出總值超過 20 萬豐富獎賞推廣

澳門優惠 MOP 20 1 次抽獎 送出總值超過 20 萬豐富獎賞推廣 0

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【MOP 20 = 1 次抽獎 送出總值超過 20 萬豐富獎賞】

20 周年慶典嘅精彩活動又點可以俾佢停?澳門旅遊塔為大家誠意獻上 - 「二十周年幸運抽獎*」,只要喺旅遊塔嘅指定商戶消費每滿 MOP 20,即可獲得 1 次抽獎機會〜消費愈多,中獎嘅機會就愈高!當中嘅獎賞更有工銀信用卡免找數簽賬額 MOP 20,000、五星酒店住宿、MOP 5,000 購物禮券等等,總值仲超過 20 萬㗎〜大家記得留意抽獎結果,睇下會唔會成為 20 周年嘅「幸運之星」!

顧客凡於澳門旅遊塔商戶(摩卡娛樂場除外)或食肆(酒席及宴會除外)憑即日單筆消費之正本單據每滿 MOP 20,即有 1 次抽獎機會,如此類推。

抽獎地點:澳門旅遊塔 G 層接待處
推廣日期:2021 年 12 月 22 日至 2022 年 1 月 31 日
開放時間:星期一至五,上午 10 時至晚上 7 時;周末及公眾假期,上午 11 時至晚上 8 時
大抽獎日期:2022 年 2 月 8 日
公佈得獎結果:「得獎電郵」將於 2022 年 2 月 11 日發送至得獎者(共 305 名)已登記之有效電子郵箱

【Spend MOP 20 to Enter the Lucky Draw and Win Prizes Worth Up To MOP 200,000】

There should be countless of celebrations for Macau Towers 20th Anniversary! We sincerely present the 20th Anniversary Lucky Draw to you - every purchase of MOP 20 at designated shops is equivalent to 1 lucky draw chance - the more you spend, the more chances to win! Prizes include MOP 20,000 ICBC Credit Card Free Spending, free accommodation at 5-star hotel, cash coupon valued at MOP 5,000, etc. Total value of prizes exceeds MOP 200,000! Keep an eye on the lucky draw announcement and see if you are our 20th Anniversary Lucky Star!

Details of the 20th Anniversary Lucky Draw
Every purchase of MOP 20 made by customers at designated shops (except Mocha Club) or restaurants (except banquets) is equivalent to one complimentary entry to the Lucky Draw. Register by presenting receipts of your same-day purchases to our staff at the Reception Counter on the G/F. Good luck!
Wanna get more info? Scan the WeChat QR code to enter the game page!

Location of Lucky Draw: Reception Desk, G/F, Macau Tower
Promotional period: 22 Dec 2021 to 31 Jan 2022
Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 10am-7pm; weekends & public holidays, 11am-8pm
Date of Grand Lucky Draw: 8 Feb 2022
Result Announcement: Announcement Email will be sent to winners (a total of 305 winners) to the registered email address

*Terms and conditions:

#MT20YearChallenge #有獎遊戲 #澳門旅遊塔 #MacauTower #回憶由這裡開始 #Wherememoriesaremade


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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