銀河 百老匯美食街85折優惠

澳門優惠 百老匯美食街85折優惠 0

澳門優惠 百老匯美食街85折優惠 1

澳門優惠 百老匯美食街85折優惠 2

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【#百老匯美食街 :‍‍‍一家大細聚餐好去處!】

同屋企人食餐好嘅,唔需要特別理由!#鳳城禮記魚翅海鮮酒家 新推「家庭樂」套餐(4位用),畀你以超值價澳門幣768元,食盡多款地道順德菜 - 「海參瑶柱雞絲羹」選料矜貴、「蔥油雞」風味十足,仲有大人細路都鍾意嘅「菠蘿咕嚕肉」等菜式,優惠高達85折!餐廳環境寬敞,畀你慢慢坐,邊食邊享受天倫之樂!快啲訂位喇:+853 8883 3338



【#BroadwayFoodStreet : An Ideal Spot for ‍‍‍Family Get-togethers!】

You don’t need a reason nor a special occasion to treat your family to a sumptuous feast! Visit #FongSengLaiKei and enjoy its new FAMILY FUN Set (MOP768 for 4 persons) for an array of authentic Shunde dishes, such as the highly nutritional Chicken Broth with Braised Sea Cucumber and Conpoy, the flavor-packed Poached Chicken with Chopped Scallion, and of course, the much-loved Sweet and Sour Pork, at a discount of up to 15%! Book with us: +853 8883 3338 for your next family gathering and indulge in family fun over great food!

🏻Don’t forget to enjoy your 4-hour free parking

Check out the set menu: https://www.broadwaymacau.com.mo/290bvyhq/

#澳門百老匯 #美食街 #順德菜 #家庭套餐 #BroadwayMacau #FoodStreet #ShundeCuisine #FamilySet #FamilyMeal #familyday


資料來源: 銀河

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