雅辰酒店 Count down to the SHOWTIME with The High Rollers at Vasco Bar Lounge 倒數開始優惠

澳門優惠 Count down to the SHOWTIME with The High Rollers at Vasco Bar Lounge 倒數開始優惠 0

澳門優惠 Count down to the SHOWTIME with The High Rollers at Vasco Bar Lounge 倒數開始優惠 1

澳門優惠 Count down to the SHOWTIME with The High Rollers at Vasco Bar Lounge 倒數開始優惠 2

澳門優惠 Count down to the SHOWTIME with The High Rollers at Vasco Bar Lounge 倒數開始優惠 3

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【Count down to the SHOWTIME with The High Rollers at Vasco Bar & Lounge倒數開始!搖滾樂隊The High Rollers將於乘風廊洒吧舉行搖滾盛宴 】

🏻This Saturday, Vasco Bar & Lounge will bring you the world of 🥳exciting entertainment with great vibes, great friends by the town’s renowned band – ‘The High Rollers’, from start to finish.
這個週六,澳門著名的The High Rollers 搖滾樂隊,即將於乘風廊洒吧呈獻現場搖滾樂演出。馬上加入這個音樂盛會,渡過一場精彩絕倫的搖滾音樂夜吧!🏻

Time & Date: 9.30pm till late, January 8, 2022
日期及時間:2022 年 1 月 8 日,晚上9.30至深夜

Tips for the Night 狂歡夜小提示:
Order insta-worthy cocktails for epic photoshoot including Vasco’s Old Fashioned and The Contender. 🏻‍♀網紅打卡必點推薦: 特調雞尾酒包括乘風廊古典雞尾酒和競爭者雞尾酒。

Join us as Friends of Vasco to enjoy Bubbly Sunday with 50% off on selected sparkling bottles and keep track of upcoming exciting programs.來乘風廊盡享週日氣泡時光精選瓶裝氣泡酒5折優惠,關注我們,更多精彩活動馬上到來!

#ArtyzenGrandLapaMacau #澳門雅辰酒店 #VascoBarandLounge #乘風廊酒吧 #RockwithHighRollers #搖滾音樂夜 #Excitingnight


資料來源: 雅辰酒店

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