澳門觀光塔 為年尾劃上完美句號 所有套餐升級至無限暢飲優惠

澳門優惠 為年尾劃上完美句號 所有套餐升級至無限暢飲優惠 0

=> 更多優惠在IG


2021 年啱啱結束,大家對自己上年嘅表現同收穫滿唔滿意呢?要為年尾正式劃上完美嘅句號,一餐豐富嘅美酒佳餚梗係唔少得啦 #澳門旅遊塔 推出嘅 #春茗晚宴 限時優惠入面,無論大家預訂套餐 A、B 或 C,除咗包括多款精心搭配嘅菜餚外,夠 10 席或以上仲立即升級至無限暢飲服務,咁就可以齊齊飲飽食醉迎虎年啦!

10 席或以上:
套餐A - 每枱可獲贈一支精選紅酒及升級至無限暢飲服務,包括汽水、啤酒
套餐B / C - 升級至無限暢飲服務,包括汽水、啤酒、紅白酒
25 席或以上: 所有套餐升級至無限暢飲服務,包括汽水、啤酒、紅白酒

💲 春茗晚宴限時優惠:
凡於即日起至 1 月 21 日或之前簽署合約及繳付訂金,即可享有以上限時優惠。

:8988 8870
[email protected]

【Farewell to a Wonderful Year|All Packages Upgraded to Free-flow of Drinks 】

2021 has just passed. Taking a retrospective look, have you been satisfied with your yields? The best way to say farewell to a rewarding year must be a sumptuous meal #MacauTower launches #SpringDinner time-limited offers - Reserve Menu A, B or C to enjoy the delicate dishes and get upgraded to free flow of drinks free of charge if you reserve 10 tables or more! How can you resist the temptation of plentiful wine and dine experience at the beginning of Year of Tiger!

Reserve 10 tables or more:
Menu A - A complimentary bottle of red wine for each table & free upgrade to free flow of drinks including soft drinks and beer
Menu B / C - Free upgrade to free-flow of drinks including soft drinks, beer, red and white wines
Reserve 25 tables or more:
Free upgrade to free-flow of drinks including soft drinks, beer, red and white winesfor all menus

💲 Spring Dinner Time-limited Offer:
Sign the contract and pay a deposit from now on till 21 Jan 2022 to enjoy the above time-limited offers

Enquiry & Reservation:
:8988 8870
[email protected]


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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