英皇娛樂酒店 共享春節優惠

澳門優惠 共享春節優惠 0

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【共享春節,美味相聚】由即日起至2月15日,訂購皇廷閣新春外賣盆菜,與親友共享春節、美味相聚。足料盆菜用料上乘,包括金山牙揀魚翅、南非湯鮑、發菜、蠔豉等,為您的農曆新年增添好兆頭。使用 MPay 付款,更可額外享澳門幣300元折扣。

【雙重優惠】為響應 #環保,在享用後交還瓷盆,可獲澳門幣300元英皇娛樂酒店餐飲消費券。

訂座電話:+853 2838 3322


【Gourmet taste in the house】From now until 15 Feb, order the impeccable takeaway Poon Choi from Grand Emperor Court. Scrumptious ingredients include Jinshan shark fin, South African abalone, fat choy and dried oyster, etc. Add a touch of luxury to your Lunar New Year celebrations together with your loved ones with the traditional Poon Choi for the bountiful year ahead.
Use Mpay to settle the bill to enjoy an additional MOP300 discount.

【Double up Offer】In response to #environmental protection, return the porcelain bowl after dining to receive MOP300 dining coupon in Grand Emperor Hotel.

Reservation:+853 2838 3322
More Details:https://rclip.me/1dba3460

*For takeaway only. Reservations must be made 48 hours in advance. Pictures are for reference only.


資料來源: 英皇娛樂酒店

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