澳門電力 澳電 猜城尋 Facebook有獎活動 第一輪獎品

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【澳電「猜城尋」Facebook有獎活動 – 第一輪】






【Play CEM Facebook City Hunt - 1st round to win prizes】

Are you ready to take on the challenge with your extraordinary observation skills, awareness, and memory?!

This year, we will post photos of CEMs outdoor facilities on Facebook from time to time. Simply Like CEMs Facebook page and tag three friends (you dont need to leave the answer on this post), and then submit the name of the street where the facility is located in the online form. The first 10 participants who submit the correct answer can instantly win the prize. We will be zooming out the picture until someone guesses it right!

In this round, the prize is MOP200 Starbucks gift card. Do you know the location of this CEM facility? Click here to answer:

*The deadline is 20 January (Thursday) 23:59.
*The correct answer and the winning result will be announced on 21 January (Friday), and winners will be notified individually.
*Participants need to register with a residential contract number. Each contract number can only submit one answer. If there are multiple submissions, the first answer shall prevail. The relevant electricity bill must be presented when claiming the prize.
*To show fairness, CEM’s employees and their family members are not eligible to participate in this activity.

Enquiry: 83931202


資料來源: 澳門電力

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