雅辰酒店 今日提提您 Do you know that there s an enticing Vasco Program for you優惠

澳門優惠 今日提提您 Do you know that there s an enticing Vasco Program for you優惠 0

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【Do you Know? 今日提提您】Do you know that there’s an enticing Vasco Program for you? 熱爆全城的乘風廊酒吧之「每日驚喜優惠」,您怎可以錯過!🥳

Back by popular demand, DJ Ted and Duo Band will continue to delight the City from January to April. 乘風廊現場娛樂表演大受好評繼續加場! DJ Ted和雙人樂隊表演將於1月至4月,繼續為大家帶來精彩現場娛樂體驗。

DJ Ted: Every Wednesday and Friday starting from 9pm till Midnight. DJ Ted: 每週三和週五晚上9時開始至午夜。
Duo band with Riya and Ray: Every Saturday playing at 9pm till Midnight雙人樂隊Riya和Ray: 每週六晚上9時至午夜。

Tonight is also our exclusive Smoke and Bubbles Night! All ladies, come enjoy the music, get your Free Rose Sparkling with smoke-filled flavor bubble and have fun with our Mini games to win your bottles of sparkling wine. 各位女士們,今晚一於來乘風廊之「夜迷泡沫女士夜」盡情狂歡暢飲!一邊投入現場DJ打碟表演,另一邊享受免費的迷人氣泡玫瑰氣泡酒, 還可參與我們特意準備的小遊戲,完成即有機會獲贈整支的玫瑰氣泡酒。

Check out the daily schedule with Happy Hours, Night Owl and other promotions乘風廊每日驚喜,詳情請參閱: https://bit.ly/3FrKQv2
Enquiries and reservations查詢及預訂: +853 8793 3831

#ArtyzenGrandLapamacau #澳門雅辰酒店 #Vascobar #LadiesNight #夜迷泡沫女士夜


資料來源: 雅辰酒店

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