金沙 喜迎新禧優惠

澳門優惠 喜迎新禧優惠 0

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喜迎新禧🧧,巴黎人購物中心為你帶來新春 “獎品天天賞”活動,一同邁步美好新年!2月15日前,用微信掃描以下二維碼登入活動頁面,即可參加即時抽獎,贏取購物券和豐富獎品!關注官方微信賬號,更可提前領超過50間精選品牌的限時優惠券,在為摯愛準備佳節心意的同時,憑券消費再可獲抽獎機會!馬上掃二維碼參加活動!

Kickstart the new year in roaring spirit with Shoppes at Parisian’s exclusive “Grab the Daily Prizes” Campaign! From now until Feb 15, scan below QR code via WeChat and enter our instant lucky draw to win a host of vouchers and prizes! Follow the official WeChat account to unlock limited-time coupons to over 50 selected brands. As you look for a unique gift for your special one this festive season, get extra lucky draw chances by using the coupons! Scan now!

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#澳門巴黎人 #ParisianMacao


資料來源: 金沙

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